As Churrasqueria Sao Miguel celebrates the completion of our first year in business, we are thankful to our great customers.
We’ve built a lot of great relationships already and we’re looking forward to strengthening them even further.
This past year has filled our hearts with so much joy, as we fulfilled a lifelong dream of ours to be able to connect with other families in Emery Village through something that our family is very passionate about ( FOOD!). Getting to know all of our beautiful neighbors has been nothing but an honour and a privilege for us all here at Churrasqueria Sao Miguel.
Churrasqueira São Miguel can not wait to see what the next years have in store for us? All we know is that we will continue to be devoted to cooking fresh and tasty food for all of our customers and providing a bright and welcoming ambiance.
Thank you to all the Emery residents for helping to make Churrasqueira São Miguel a success.
We cannot wait to celebrate together as a community May 19 and the 20.
Everyone is invited.