Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message
With February now ending and the snow slowly coming to an end, we look forward to the coming months and planning many important business and Community Special Events.
Soon the City of Toronto will be starting to accept applications for the Commercial Façade Improvement Program which provides funding to commercial and private property owners to renovate or redesign and update their building Façade. The City of Toronto and Emery BIA are here to assist you with any questions you may have. For further information please email Al Ruggero at:
Looking ahead we are happy to announce that Emery BIA will be hosting our Annual Emery Job Fair on April 18th, 2024.
This is an excellent opportunity for both large and small businesses to connect with skilled and talented job-seekers in the area. If your business is hiring for any positions, we encourage you to participate. To register for the free event, please contact the BIA at 416-744-7242 or email: info@emeryvillagebia.ca and we will be happy to get you registered and set up.
There will be more details to follow in next month’s edition of the Emery Village Voice or visit our website at:
www.emeryvillagebia.caLook to our social media for updates on these events and more.
Sandra Farina
Executive Director