July 2016

Councillor’s Corner - July 2016
Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce that plans are well underway to construct a new commu...read more +
Executive Director’s Message-July 2016
The dog days of summer The heat is on! Heat waves and weather alerts have been all over the ...read more +

Happy 16th Anniversary Delta
July 12 was Delta Bingo’s 16th Anniversary BBQ Many friends and players turned out to help celebr...read more +

Let’s go to the CNE
By Sean Delaney The crown jewel of the Toronto summer is the Canadian National Exhibition (CN...read more +

Movie in the Park: July 2016
By Sean Delaney The Movies in the Park have become a summer tradition in Emery Village. T...read more +

Pets of Emery - July 2016
Our Best Friends We miss Bailey who was a Spaniel /Golden mix. Bailey was 13 years old and went...read more +

Emery’s pharmaceutical giant
By Tim Lambrinos The largest generic pharmaceutical company in Canada runs production fro...read more +

Geraldine Heaney
Emery’s Own Canadian Hockey Hero By Ryan Ehrenworth Very few people personify the word c...read more +

In defence of Milennials
By Ryan Ehrenworth In the 21st century, the world drips with the sticky syrup that is apathet...read more +

Make summer safe for kids
Summer is a great time for kids to enjoy different indoor and outdoor activities. Whether they are...read more +

Outdoor entertaining ideas
By Ron Lazzer The weather has been warm lately which has made for a great opportunity to get ...read more +

Harvest Christian Church brings international Samaritan’s Feet campaign to Humber Summit BY SAL...read more +