By Sean Delaney
The Movies in the Park have become a summer tradition in Emery Village.
The first of the movie nights are always on the eve of the last day of school. What a way to celebrate! Gaining considerable momentum from last year, more than 850 people attended the first Movie in the Park on June 30 at Joseph Bannon Park.
A second Movie in the Park on took place on July15. It was a bit windy that night but still the crowd was large and the fun, even more so.
With snacks flowing from the concession booth and so many people under the inflatable big screen, it was a magical night.
The lineups at the concession window were the longest yet and lasted for almost the entire evening.

The Emery Village BIA wants to thank everyone for attending both of the events. Many of the community members stayed around after the movies to help clean up, it was much appreciated.
Sandra Farina, Executive Director of the BIA said, “Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year.”