Dear Friends,
I am pleased to announce that plans are well underway to construct a new community recreation centre in Ward 7 - York West. Our parks and recreation facilities are a vital asset to the community, ensuring a healthy environment for current and future generations.
I’ve listened to the needs of residents calling for increased local parkland and recreation facilities. The area is in the lowest quintile of local parkland assessment cells, in a parkland acquisition priority area. Such projects don’t happen overnight. They are the culmination of years of advocating and planning and the result of multiple people, departments and agencies working together.
This project has been in the works for years. The new community centre is to be built on and acquired portion of 20 Starview Lane, adjoining St. Basil the Great College School, in the area southeast of Weston Road and Sheppard Avenue West. The property was previously owned by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) and declared surplus to their needs in January 2013. The TCDSB expressed a willingness to work with the City of Toronto as they recognized the benefit to the community and the city in developing the site as a new recreational facility.
Funding for the construction of the new community centre has already been approved by council.
The new community centre will replace the existing Carmine Stefano Community Centre, a temporary location 1km away which is leased by the City of Toronto. The 1.9344 hectare (4.78 acre) site can accommodate a major recreational facility, landscaped open space, servicing and parking. The location has good access from both major highways and transit routes.
In the fall I will roll out a large resident input opportunity on the type of recreation facility the community would like to see.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Watch for notices, checkout my newsletters, and visit my website GiorgioMammoliti.ca for more info and updates as they become available.
Ward 7 Councillor
Giorgio Mammoliti