Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message
Reflecting on progress and preparing for future challenges
The dawn of a new year always brings occasion to reflect on the lessons learned and the
progress made over the past twelve months. With the images of the pandemic shrinking in the
rear-view mirror, we all faced new challenges, including inflation and supply chain disruptions
that have furthered economic difficulties. As we enter 2025, we once again face economic and
political disruptions that threaten jobs and future growth.
Looking back, our local business community has recovered from the pandemic closures and
adapted in ways that make it more resilient to the challenges ahead. Yes, inflation continues to
affect us, but the rate of increase has slowed, leading to a decline in interest rates, easing the
burden for businesses, homeowners, and consumers. Many of our businesses rely on the
American marketplace, where tariffs on our exports loom ominously. In 2003, many American
businesses boycotted Canadian-made products after our federal government refused to join the
Iraq invasion. In the years that followed, several Made-in-America campaigns also buffeted our
Despite these barriers, Canadian industry honed its reputation for quality, reliability, and
availability of skilled workers and supply chains. Canadian industry persevered and succeeded
in growing our fair share of the North American marketplace. Examples of this success are
evident in our BIA, where Tool & Die and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) related
industries—parts manufacturing and servicing—continue to thrive. Our food industries also
continue to do well in the vast American marketplace, partly due to the interdependencies
created by cross-border chains like Costco and Walmart.
Our BIA is confident that, like in the past, our businesses will continue to prosper. Our job is to
ensure that our government representatives hear their voices at all levels to ensure that
programs and policies are in place to support this success. In addition, we will continue with our
programs, events, and initiatives that bring people and neighbourhoods together, and create
events and public spaces that enrich our shared and public spaces. More on that in upcoming
On a community safety note, please ensure that walkways and sidewalks remain clear during
and after inclement weather.
Wishing all a safe and prosperous New Year.
Sandra Farina
Executive Director