Wild 2021 should lead to organized and prepared 2022, TDSB trustee
- January, 2022

By Sean Delaney
Toronto District School Board trustee Christopher Mammoliti was recently elected as Humber River -Black Creek’s first vice chair of the TDSB. After congratulating him on the honour, the Emery Village Voice sat down with him, and asked him to reflect on the year that was.
CM: As f...
A big thank you to all after this pandemic year
- July, 2021

Thank you students.
The 2020-2021 TDSB school year is concluding, and there is so much thanks to go around. Our parents, guardians, caregivers, staff, volunteers, community, community partners, colleagues and everyone that has supported Humber River-Black Creek this year, thank you. As a school b...
Gulfstream Public School gets $100,000 from Indigo
- June, 2019

By Sean Delaney
In May, 30 elementary schools across Canada learned that they would benefit from the Indigo Love of Reading Foundation's annual $1.5 million in Literacy Fund grants, and Emery’s Gulfstream Public School was one.
Indigo, Chapters and Coles stores across the country hosted commu...