What’s to come on Toronto’s Finch West LRT

Introducing the first light rail vehicle in 2021

By Sean Delaney

We have an update on the expected progress along the Finch Avenue West light rail transit route this year. Much of it involves a lot of turned earth – along with the anticipated arrival of the first cool vehicle to start testing the system. The story isn’t really about the past. It’s about what’s soon coming down the line. But it’s important to start at the many construction milestones checked off along Toronto’s Finch Avenue West for the new Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) line in 2020, to understand the work ahead.

The route will run from Humber College to Finch West Station, and last year, structural steel was erected for the Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF), a bridge was moved – and put back – and track installation started.

It was a weighty to-do list, during a year where most everything else slowed or stopped. Now, Metrolinx officials say 2021 will bring about new construction milestones for the transit project.

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the more exciting things to watch out for.

At Finch West Station, crews continue with deep excavation works for construction of the station box – or the frame of the station- as well as the portal and the underground pedestrian tunnel.

The Humber College stop will also continue with pile installation and shoring work to support excavation of the below grade stop, portal and tunnel.

On the space-aged side light rail vehicles can be seen taking shape in the plant.

Track installation started last year and will continue at the Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF), and start up along the Finch West guideway. Installation of the overhead catenary system (OCS) poles, that will one day power the LRT line, will also continue this year.

And later this spring, the MSF will reach readiness to receive its first delivery of the light rail vehicle. The first vehicle is set to arrive at the facility this summer. We’ll continue to follow the story and that delivery.

It’s no doubt that Finch Avenue West will remain busy for the new year. Last year was heavy work and this year, things are expected to move even faster on the LRT line.