Being social has its benefits
By Sean Delaney
December is always a time to celebrate and the local Emery Seniors Art group knows how to make that happen with style. I once again had the pleasure to stop in and see first had the fun, comradry and artistic development that is taking place with this vibrant group.
Each Wednesday, a local group of seniors get together at the Carmine Stefano Community Centre to develop their art skills under the excellent instruction of local Emery artist, Lucy Catania. The number of participants has been growing steadily every week since its inception, which is very satisfying to see.
Some are new to painting and some have been attending these classes and have developed considerable artistic skills. I am always thrilled to be able to look at their fine work.
I took the opportunity to address the group on behalf of the sponsors, the Emery Village BIA and Councillor Mammoliti. I was pleased to be able to report to the group 31 Division and Inspector Colin Greenaway’s recent positive comments about the Emery Area and its low crime statistics compared to other adjacent areas. We do indeed all share a special place called Emery.
Rose Pham, a senior member of the Mammoliti office team is almost always in weekly attendance helping to assist the Seniors. Everyone wanted us to send her our thanks.
Well known community cheerleader, Lee Jackson was again tending to her knitting.
I was honoured to accept a Christmas gift from Lee that she had been working on for some time.
Thank you Lee.
We all know how important it is to stay social, get out in the community and keep active in one’s advancing years.
The Art group is on hiatus during the Christmas holiday returning on January 10.
Everyone is welcome to attend free of charge.
Just show up at the Carmine Stefano Community Centre Wednesday’s at 10 am.
If you would like further information please call me ( Sean Delaney) at 416-509-6609 or send me an email at: sean@emeryvillagevoice.ca