By Sandra Farina
In all the years that the Emery Charities Golf Tournament has come around, 2017’s constant rain was bringing everyone to their knees. Thank goodness for Anwar Knight, our evening emcee and weather specialist who brought us the sun. Thank you Anwar for all the good vibes and the best day for our golfers. It was all you.
This year’s tournament theme was “Golf Con Gusto” bringing participants all the flavours and delicacies that the Italian regions have to offer. Participants were greeted by the music of Fortunato Gratta, strumming his guitar and singing Italian renditions of classic songs.
Elvira Caria, the daytime emcee opened the event to speeches by Councillor Mammoliti, John Kiru of Tabia, and a good luck toast to begin the day of fun and charity.
Here at Emery we want to thank our major sponsors for all their assistance in making this year’s golf tournament a great success.
Thank you to:
Intelligarde International, Forest, Terraplan, Trento KIA, Royal Laser, Medallion Corporation, Ontario Redimix, OJCR, Global Printing Enterprises, CUPE LOCAL 416 and the Emery Village Voice.
Thank you to the food and beverage sponsors that allowed attendees to feast and drink the whole day through:
Dolce Salato, Olive Oil Boutique, Pasquale’s Glorious Flatbreads, Badoit, Evian, Disaronno, Great Lakes Brewery, Jack Astor’s Bar and Grill, Julius Banquet Centre, Castello Ristorante, Romano’s Restaurant, Nickel Brook Brewing Co., Mill St. Brewery, Brickworks Ciderhouse, Vila Verde, Summer Fresh, Globe Meats, L-Eat Catering, Food Dudes, Lamberti, Tia Maria, Elizabeth Grant, Fortino’s, Excelsior Foods, Grande Cheese, Faema and Uppercrust.
Thank you to our hole sponsors:
Fer-Pal, Beacon Utility Contractors Limited, CMI Combined Metal Industries, Craft Development Corporation, Elvira Caria, Emery Village Voice, LIUNA LOCAL 183, Plan B Promotions, RGC Design Group, Yorkland Controls & Environmental Solutions, Direct Underground Inc., ABLE Seal & Design, Sansar Contracting Ltd., Gazzola Paving, Ricci Auto Collision, GFL Environmental Inc., Smart Choice, Top Gun Electric Supply, Quality Railings and KPI Media Group, we couldn’t have done it without your support!
Thank you to our product and prize sponsors:
Fer-Pal, Baton Rouge, Lastman’s Bad Boy Superstore, Beauty Pro Plus, Rustic Massage, Excelsior Foods, Fresh Restaurants, Gourmet Group, Grande Cheese, Castello Ristorante, Olive Oil Boutique, Pasquale’s Glorious Flat Bead, Steam Whistle, Stem, and Upper Crust.
Special Thank you to: Francine Socket, Plan B Promotions, Elvira Caria, KPI Media Group and Global Printing Enterprises for your continued support and last minute requests.
Our biggest thank you to Nobleton Lakes Golf Course where your expertise and staff were absolutely amazing again this year. Allowing us to have our event at your beautiful venue creates the stepping-stones to achieving charitable milestones.
As participants entered the clubhouse after their day out on the greens, they were given some well deserved chill time to catch up and network before the evening events began.
This year Anwar Knight was on fire.
He engaged everyone to participate in the hilarious games and prizes. With all jokes aside, participants had the chance to be introduced to the people who run the charities that we sponsor. This year Sheila Street from Humber River Hospital gave a very heart warming speech on how sponsorships have changed the lives of families and how much Humber Hospital is honoured that Emery Charities and sponsorship participants are on their side.
Another notable speaker was Mike Hurley from Highway of Heroes, who spoke to the crowd about the creation of a living monument that begins at CFB Trenton along Highway 401 to Keele Street, planting one tree for each of the two million lives of veterans who have served for Canada and the thousands that gave up their lives to fight for our freedom. Commemorating and honouring proud Canadians on the Highway of Heroes is Emery Charities’ newest edition to the list of wonderful charities we support. Emery looks forward to seeing trees planted in our community in the coming months.
Everyone’s participation, year in and year out, is something Emery Village Charities does not take lightly. All the continued efforts and dedication is greatly appreciated by everyone connected to these wonderful causes. YOU make the difference, YOU keep us going, and we THANK YOU whole-heartedly, now and always.