Let’s take a trip down memory lane
By Sean Delaney
On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Emery Village Voice, and the 20th anniversary of the Emery Village BIA, we present a pictorial stroll down memory lane. From the top left of the page, going down each row we have: Festive Lighting at Weston Rd. and Sheppard Ave., the BIA Annual Remembrance Day community observance, the BIA business achievement awards, the BIA Community Bike-a-Thon, the BIA historical marker presentation to Paul Higgins, the BIA hosting a first responders thank you at an outdoor movie held at Ontario Place in 2021, the BIA job fair, former Mayor Rob Ford opening Joseph Bannon Park, Santa and his elves getting ready for a parade, the BIA Wine Fest in 2013, a BIA led street naming ceremony, Emery Charities Donates $100,000 to New Humber River Hospital, the Emery Train Station circa 1800’s and Sandra Farina and BIA staff donate time for Habitat for Humanity in Emery.