Healthwise in Emery Village - August 2024

Healthwise in Emery Village

It’s almost time for students to head back to school, and while excitement is in the air, it’s important to remember a few health tips to keep everyone safe and happy. Whether your kids are starting school for the first time or are seasoned pros, there are always a few things to consider when September rolls around.

First, let’s talk about sleep. As fun as summer can be, those late nights and lazy mornings should start winding down. Returning to a regular sleep routine will help kids be ready for early mornings when school begins. Experts at Sunnybrook Hospital suggest adjusting bedtimes gradually over the next few weeks to ensure a smoother transition. A good night’s sleep is key to helping students focus, learn, and enjoy their day.

Next, don’t forget about packing healthy lunches. While it might be tempting to reach for quick snacks, making sure your kids have balanced meals will keep their energy up throughout the day. Fresh fruits, veggies, and protein-packed options are great choices. Parenting Magazine recommends keeping things colourful and varied to make healthy eating fun.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has some excellent advice for easing the transition back to school. It’s normal for kids to feel a bit anxious about the new school year, especially after the relaxed days of summer. Encourage open conversations about their feelings and remind them that it’s okay to feel nervous. Reassure them that they’re not alone and that many students feel the same way.

Finally, let’s not forget about staying active. Whether it’s walking to school, playing sports, or just getting outside for some fresh air, physical activity helps reduce stress and keeps minds sharp. Remind your kids to balance screen time with outdoor play to keep them moving and feeling good.

Back to school season can be busy, but with a few simple steps, you can help make it a smooth and healthy transition for your kids. Let’s get ready for a great year ahead.