Executive Director's Message - Nov 2019

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Remembrance Day event at Joseph Bannon Park.

The holidays are a great time to reflect and give back to those less fortunate. This year, 31 Division is running their annual holiday Toy Drive again, collecting donations for children in need. We are also collecting non-perishable items to be distributed to local families. If you have toys or non-perishable foods to donate, we encourage you to drop by the Emery Village BIA office (1885 Wilson Avenue, Suite 209) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays any time from now until Christmas. A large donation box will be at the front desk.

As the Finch West LRT project continues to develop between Hwy 27 and Keele Street, there will be operational changes to local roads and freeways which will continue to affect how businesses ship and receive goods. While navigating the winter roads in Emery, stay on the lookout for regular construction updates and road work notices, along with a full construction schedule on our website at: emeryvillagebia.ca

The beginning of the winter season is also the perfect time to look into snow removal equipment for your home or business, and some of our businesses offer a wide range of winter products. If you’re looking to celebrate with friends and family over the holidays and host a holiday gathering, there are many food and catering companies in Emery Village that can help. For information and to connect with these businesses, look through our website’s business directory.

From the Emery Village BIA, we hope you have a safe, fun, and happy holiday season with your loved ones.


Sandra Farina

Executive Director