Emery Village BIA: Building a brighter future in 2024 after a milestone year
By Al Ruggero
Last year, Emery Village celebrated its 20th Anniversary in grand style, hosting some of the most successful events and programs to date. The year kicked off with our inaugural Job Fair, which was a resounding success, drawing over 300 participants and job seekers. They had the opportunity to connect with employers offering more than 100 job postings and opportunities.
The excitement continued into the summer with our annual Movie-in-the-Park event at Joseph Bannon Park. We upped the ante by adding new attractions, including refreshments and business exhibits, to enhance the experience. The result was phenomenal – we saw one of our largest ever turnouts, with over 800 people and families coming together to enjoy a day filled with fun and community spirit.
In December, we witnessed the generous spirit of Emery Village in full force. With a special mention to the kids and staff from Daystrom Public School, our businesses and residents collected a record-breaking number of toys and food items for our Annual Toy and Food Drive. The drive supported local initiatives like the 31 Division’s Police Toy Drive and the Weston Emergency Services for food distribution, making a significant impact in our community.
Looking ahead to 2024, we’re not just aiming to replicate last year’s success – we’re planning to double it. We’re excited to announce that our Movie-in-the-Park event will expand to another park in an adjacent community. The Emery Board of Management, inspired by the fantastic results of 2023, has requested the planning of a winter festival for late 2024. We’re looking forward to a busy and eventful year ahead.
Our community also eagerly anticipates the completion of delayed city infrastructure projects. These have been hindered in part by the construction of the Finch West LRT and COVID-19 related delays. We’re hopeful that these projects will soon begin in earnest, allowing us to resume our work on beautifying boulevards and public spaces. A key project to look forward to is Road 2A, set to be constructed just west of Weston Road. This new road, connecting Toryork directly to Finch, promises to alleviate congestion at the busy intersection of Weston and Finch and improve access for businesses on the north side of Finch.
With the completion of the Finch West LRT expected later this year (we’re keeping our fingers crossed!), we’re also excited about the return of BIA amenities along Finch. This includes the introduction of permitted U-turns at signalized intersections, a necessary adaptation due to the raised rail guideway preventing left turns into driveways along the corridor. Metrolinx, in agreement with the City of Toronto, plans to install upgrades to the streetscaping in sections of the roadway within the BIA. This will enhance the area’s overall look and feel, adding features such as benches, pedestrian lights, planters, and pavers.
In addition to these major projects, there are ongoing efforts for maintenance and refurbishments across the BIA. These initiatives aim to beautify the area, attract pedestrians to our streets, and encourage shoppers to support local retail and service providers. The theme of “think global, act local” is becoming increasingly relevant as we strive to create sustainable neighborhoods. This includes promoting better transit options, encouraging commuters to leave their cars at home, and implementing measures to bolster our local economy.
After two decades, the Emery Village BIA remains committed to its mission: to foster vibrant communities where people can live, work, and play. As we move forward into 2024, our focus is on building upon our past successes, embracing new challenges, and continuing to make Emery Village a thriving and dynamic place for all.
Toronto’s Winterlicious 2024: A feast for the senses
Get ready to experience Toronto’s vibrant culinary scene like never before with Winterlicious 2024.
From January 26 to February 8, this dining event invites you to explore the diverse and rich flavours of the City. Over 200 local restaurants participate and offer delectable three-course prix fixe menus at unbeatable prices. Lunch menus range from $20 to $55, and dinner options are priced between $25 and $75.
Whether you’re a long-time foodie or just looking for new culinary adventures, Winterlicious 2024 is the perfect excuse to explore Toronto’s dynamic food landscape and enjoy sumptuous meals at great prices.
For more details on the restaurants and menus, you can visit www.toronto.ca or scan the attached QR code.