Yesterday and Today - July 2019
- August, 2019

A youthful exercise of exploring
By Tim Lambrinos
In 1957, a new housing community named Woodview Park was built on the east side of Weston Road. Farm land was bulldozed in order to build semi-detached houses that accommodated many new families. On this side of Weston Road, there were farm...
Community enjoyment
- April, 2019

What’s better than a wintertime skate? A free wintertime skate with family and friends courtesy of Councillor Anthony Perruzza. There were two free public skating events, the first taking place March 6th at the Gord and Irene Risk Arena and the second at the Habitant Arena on March 10th. For ma...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message-Jan2016
- February, 2016
Welcome to the year 2016!
Many of us began with resolutions to create goals toward a healthier life and work balance. Prioritizing for yourself and your family are important objectives that may include activities that get everyone outdoors.
In Toronto, one of the great Canadian pasttimes involve...
Yesterday and Today:Pro Hockey Players
- December, 2013

Pro Hockey Players of Emery Village
Emery Village is known as a perfect place for winter recreation and outdoor sports.
Whether children tobogganing on the many steep hills that embank the Humber River or having gatherings of some impromptu skating on frozen Crang’s Pond, the...