Working together to improve our schools

As the Toronto District School Board Trustee for York West, specifically Emery Village, I want to hear from you on how we can improve our local schools.

As spring approaches us, this is an opportunity to focus on our school properties and surrounding areas. Do you have any school maintenance or safety concerns?

Is there an idea you have that can be beneficial for students and residents?

Do you have any concerns with regards to student activities in or outside of school?

I want to hear from you.

Please contact me directly, with any concerns or suggestions.

Trustee Tiffany Ford

Twitter: @TiffanyFordTO

Phone: (416) 395-8787

Local Emery Village Schools Stats:

Emery C.I. (11.61 acres) Built in 1960. Current number of students - 674

Gulfstream P.S. (5.31 acres) Built in 1958. Current number of Students - 575

Gracedale P.S. (5.02 acres) Built in 1964. Current number of Students - 670

Humber Summit M.S (7.31 acres) Built in 1968. Current number of Students - 479

Daystrom P.S. (4.94 acres) Built in 1959. Current number of Students - 460

Chalkfarm P.S. (4.15 acres) Built in 1958. Current number of Students - 195

Stanley P.S. (6.18 acres) Built in 1960. Current number of Students - 332