By Sean Delaney
I recently attended the Emery Senior’s art class and social gathering at the Carmine Stefano Community Centre. The program is officially known as the Older Adult Drop-in: Multi-Arts Program.
Every Wednesday, a local group of seniors get together to develop their art skills under the excellent instruction of Lucy Catania for painting, and Lee Jackson for knitting.
The number of program participants has grown steadily every week since its inception, which is very satisfying. Some are very new to painting and have developed considerable artistic skills while attending these classes.
Come give it a try; everyone is welcome to attend, free of charge.
Just show up at the Carmine Stefano Community Centre (3100 Weston Rd.) Wednesday’s at 10 a.m.
Also, remember that there are other programs for older adults, including a drop-in games room, which runs daily and has various drop-in sports programs.
Emery seniors can visit the Carmine Stefano Community Centre and stay active in a safe environment once the weather starts getting colder.
If interested, call: 416-395-6127
For more information one can also drop by the centre in person.
Happy creating.