To create a distinct and identifiable image for Emery Village, colours and materials have been selected for streetscape improvements that express both historic and contemporary, upscale character. Colours for capital improvements will be black, stainless steel, and colours within the Emery Village logo (royal blue, black and orange) while materials will include ornamental metal, coloured, textured and patterned concrete, stone, neon tubing and plant material.
Both historic and contemporary landscape styles will be used, as well as a fusion of the two.
You will begin to notice Emery Village BIA street furniture on our streets, such as more street signs and Emery Village BIA stainless steel benches and planters. You will also notice our gateway signs that are currently in place at Sheppard Avenue West and Rivalda Road, Steeles Avenue West and Fenmar Drive, and Finch Avenue West and Milvan Drive.
The Board of Management has been hard at work, finalizing our streetscape design. Improvements that you will see in the near future are banner poles and hanging baskets.
For more information, visit