Toronto police issue public safety alert after video game console robberies
By Sean Delaney
With the Holiday Season approaching, we all must be more aware and follow proper protocol when purchasing online or on websites such as Kijiji. With the recent launch of the new X-Box, the scams are twofold. People looking to buy a new gaming console and persons pretending to sell an existing one. In many cases, these types of products involve a greater than average cash transaction.
Toronto police have issued a public safety alert after two video game console robberies in North York. In both cases, the units were advertised for sale online, and the sales were arranged for in-person collection. The victim agreed to meet another person to buy the gaming unit. Police say that during these transactions, the buyer allegedly produced a black handgun and demanded the console be handed over to him. He then fled the area. Similar to the first case, a man agreed to meet another interested in purchasing a game console he had advertised online.
Please be mindful and follow safety protocol when meeting in-person to purchase any items online. Meet in a well lit public place that has lots of people around.Where possible, always have a family member or friend accompany you. One of the safest places to meet is a police parking lot.
And finally, as the holiday shopping season is nearly upon us, please don’t leave packages visible in your car. Where possible, please lock them in your trunk and out of sight.