By Tim Lambrinos
Toronto’s multi-award-winning celebration in December, The Cavalcade of Lights, has served to annually provide local greetings in 20 different neighbourhoods across the city. The event offers brilliant fireworks, sparkling shows and festive concerts, all while using a series of energy-efficient LED lighting displays.
It has become one of Canada’s foremost free tourist attractions while capturing the magic of the holiday season in many of the most distinct neighbourhoods in the city.
The Cavalcade of Lights begins at Nathan Phillips Square with the lighting of Toronto’s official Christmas tree, live musical performances, spectacular fireworks shows and skating parties at City Hall’s incomparable outdoor rink. There is a viewing bus that tours the entire city while hearing narratives about assorted Toronto neighbourhoods, from an expert guide.
Every year, Emery’s own edition of the Cavalcade of Lights is accentuated by a man-made, stand-in tree erected at the corner of Sheppard Avenue and Weston Road. The Emery Village BIA ensures that the tree remains part of the vaster sightseeing tour.
A rather unique addition along the tour exists at the intersection of Christie Street and Bloor Street.
The display states that in Korean mythology, there are four legendary beasts that guard the four corners of the Earth.
Guardians that represent the north, south and east are the gods Hyunmoo, Jujak and Chungryong. The guardian of the west represents the symbol of well-being and prosperity within a community. It is the tiger, Baekho.
This illuminated tiger is made out of aluminium and has 22,000 LED lights built into the display.
This unique and magnificent looking tiger is sponsored by the Korea Town B.I.A., established in 2004.