By Tim Lambrinos
On June 7, Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario candidate Doug Ford recorded a decisive election victory in the riding of Etobicoke North. And his party went on to win the majority of all ridings across Ontario, making him the 26th Premier of the province.
In Humber River Black Creek, the victor was Tom Rakocevic of the NDP. His victory ended a decades long Liberal dominance.
On June 29, Ford was sworn into public office at a ceremony held at Queen’s Park.
Attending was a pipe and drum band that performed in customary attire. As well there were many other officials and dignitaries on hand. Ford’s immediate family were in attendance, seated proudly in the very first row of chairs. Ford’s speech to the crowd echoed intense enthusiasm when he boomed, “My friends, the dawn of a new day has risen in Ontario.”

Ford has many key issues on his radar. Based on the speed he’s been addressing them, he should endure as a formidable political adversary. He has already put many of Ontario’s bureaucrats and departments on notice in an effort for them to tighten their belts.
Many of his warnings were initiated even before he was officially sworn into office.
It is obvious that Ford’s directives come from a man that means business. One thing is abundantly clear about Ford. He is to many a reflection of a fair, honest and respected businessman who has gained power in Ontario at a time when the need for change was undeniably vital to most voters. Time will tell whether Ford can live up to all the hype that is expected of him. Based on what we have seen thus far, he should continue running ahead from the pack for a long time to come.