By Sean Delaney
In June, Mayor of Toronto, John Tory, proclaimed June as National Indigenous Peoples Month.
National Indigenous Peoples Month is a time to learn, reflect, and celebrate the diversity of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit across Tkaronto and all of Turtle Island. It reminds us to consider the unique needs of the Indigenous peoples in all of the work that we do. We must listen to their voices and stories and partner with them to help guide us in our work moving forward.
Throughout the month, all Canadians can learn about the history of the First Peoples and further embrace the opportunity to learn more about their identities. This month is also a time to celebrate the resilience of all Indigenous peoples, their vibrant and distinct cultures, and their beautiful languages. The City of Toronto encourages all residents to take time to educate themselves about Indigenous histories, strengths, and contributions. Learn about the significance of land acknowledgments in Tkaronto:
Attend virtual events:
June 1 at 12 p.m., a free virtual event hosted by the Anishnawbe Health Foundation: Connecting Land-Based Healing & Traditional Medicines at the New Home of Anishnawbe Health Toronto opens starting June 9th, the link can be found on the city of Toronto website:
Or, on the National Indigenous Peoples Month page. Also, Toronto History Museums will offer digital programming on Indigenous histories, cuisine, arts and perspectives in collaboration with community partners to support Indigenous entrepreneurs and businesses.
For more information and a list of many more Indigenous Peoples Month events, visit and search for indigenous events and awards.