By Sean Delaney
The cold winter weather isn’t best for long walks outdoors, but if you’re a dog owner in Toronto, you know that it isn’t an option to stay indoors.
The pandemic has brought about an unprecedented period of pet ownership and dog sales. Whether people are self-isolating, working from home or missing interacting with friends and family, dogs have helped countless weather the pandemic storm. But as a result, the poop is piling up on front lawns and public sidewalks.
Toronto’s animal bylaw says every dog owner must remove and dispose of dog excrement left on properties anywhere within the city, and those that don’t, can face a $300 fine. But the city says the first step is to let people know the rules, why they are essential, and ask that they take steps to comply with the bylaw.
After that, call 311.
Once temperatures rise or rain falls, the waste turns into an obstacle course for pedestrians as it’s seemingly camouflaged in slushy conditions. And with spring around the corner, no one needs children slipping and sliding through excrement in parks and schoolyards.
The Emery Village Voice has recently received a few emails from concerned residents. The city has green bins for organic waste in all dog off-leash areas in parks, other select locations in parks, and a few streets litter bins that accept dog waste across the city.
Bylaw enforcement officers will respond to complaints made to 311, the city states. Best to take a picture of the offender (the dog not the owner) and perhaps find the owner’s address.