Regular testing of Light Rail Vehicles (LRV) on the Finch West LRT project is now underway and will continue to the end of 2023.
Each LRV will be tested for 600 km on the 1.8 km “burn-in” section of the track between Pelican Gate and Sentinel Road, during the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The LRVs will be running at speeds of up to 60 km/h from the Maintenance and Storage Facility at York Gate Boulevard all the way to Sentinel Road and back on a regular basis.
The Overhead Catenary System (OCS), which provides electricity to the LRVs, is electrified in this section, so be cautious and obey safety signs.
While the LRVs are being tested, their doors will be opening and closing just like they will be during regular operations.
It is prohibited to board an LRV during testing.
LRVs will follow normal traffic signals. When crossing a street with an LRV at a red light, make eye contact with the operator before crossing in front of it.
Please remember, entering the guideway is prohibited at all times. This includes walking, driving or biking. Stay alert and be safe around the new LRVs on Finch Avenue West.
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