Born in Venezuela, and a descendant of a Colombian father, Yuri started playing cuatro (a four string instrument) at the age of 9. She participated in many festivals and concerts, captivating audiences with her amazing talent. By the age of 19 she was playing professionally with several groups in Venezuela. She was then hired to play in the USA and lived in New York City for 13 years, as a part of many Latin bands.
In 2007, she came to Canada and formed the Lopez duo with guitarist Jorge Lopez. They have performed at many venues including the Gardiner Museum, Harbourfront Centre, the Bata Shoe Museum and multiple festivals and corporate events. Together they represent the music and folklore of Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Mexico.
JORGE LOPEZA proud son of Mexico City, Jorge has spent his life studying and mastering the guitar. He inherited his love of the classical guitar from his father Gustavo Lopez, who was a student and assistant of one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Andres Segovia. Jorge prides himself on his clean and
crisp style of articulation on the guitar. He has a knack for juggling bass and melodic parts
simultaneously in ways that succeed in creating the illusion of more than one player. Moreover, there is so much depth to his phrasing, rubato, and dynamics, that one gets the sense that this music could be physically touched and the fingers could glide along its contours.
Since making Toronto their permanent home, Jorge and Yuri Lopez have explored all aspects of their wide-ranged talent and have founded several musical groups varying in styles and tastes but always remaining true to their predominant guitar voicing and stylish vocals. The duo have gained much recognition in the Canadian music scene. They were awarded The Spanish Heritage award by the City of Toronto, they have appeared with their groups on CBC radio, City TV’s Breakfast Television, and the Toronto Show on the Global Television Network.