What is happening on October 19, 2015?
Well, if you live in Canada you may have noticed election signs, advertising propaganda, and shameless political pandering in an effort to gain your support and earn your vote in the up and coming Federal Election.
The latest polls indicate a close electoral race between Conservatives, Liberal, and New Democrats making it particularly important to vote.
Voting is the primary manner in which citizens exercise their right to choose those who will represent them. It is also the primary manner in which citizens can influence the quality of government, policy and direction of a democracy.
The right to vote is one of the most basic and fundamental rights in our constitutional democracy and its significance goes to the heart of being Canadian.
For a strong Canada, the right to vote should not be considered a casual exercise but rather it should be an informed one and a valuable decision.
Stay focused on policies, not personalities and compare party statements directly in their own words. Most importantly, ask hard questions and sniff around; question the answers, the numbers, the policy and the candidates because, if it sounds and smells like hogwash, it probably is.
It is your vote, make it count.