This winter we have experienced cold winds, blizzard storms and massive amounts of freezing rain and ice. It is no wonder why we are all counting down the days until the first day of spring. I know I always get an extra beat in my step when the weather starts to change from the blistering cold to more mild temperatures and we no longer have to worry about wearing hats and gloves. However, there were many wonderful events that took place this winter in our Emery Village community. One in particular was a fantastic skating event, which took place March 4 at Joseph Bannon Park, this was a great event for the students from Saint Simon Separate School.
The entire junior class came out to skate and play in the snow one last time before the ice melted. If you want to see photos from the event please check out our Facebook page. So as we move away from the cold and into spring, it is nice to remember that even on those blistering cold nights, winter is still a great time of the year, and I am glad our community is able to experience it together.
Sandra Farina,Executive Director, Emery Village BIA