I personally want to thank everyone who came to the Finch West LRT meeting on June 17th at the Julius Banquet Centre. It was nice to see that the meeting was well attended with over 500 people and an absolute honour to have our guests present their LRT plans and explain to our residents and business owners their intentions for the project.
We are grateful to have had Mayor John Tory speak and participate in the question and answer session with those who got up and spoke into the microphone. The evening was a resounding success in having our voices heard. The Emery Village BIA will always do its best to keep the lines of communication open and keep our community informed.
As our summer is underway so has planning for our second Movie in the Park event to be held July 17th. We will be selling hot dogs, popcorn and freezies with lots of activities for the kids for some real family fun!
So bring out your lawn chairs and blankets and cozy up under the stars and create unforgettable memories with us.
On a bright note, school is out! I wanted to congratulate all the graduates. I hope everyone has the best summer and remember to have fun and stay safe.
A reminder to our readers that Emery Village BIA has a Facebook page and a Twitter account that you can follow. We do our best to keep our community informed on events and what is happening locally.
We are pretty easy to find by searching Emery Village BIA.
Executive Director
Sandra Farina