By Sean Delaney
A wise person once said that when Starbucks selects your community to build a new location, it has come of age. With all the research and demographics that go into Starbuck’s strategic planning, they choose new areas based on future potential.
Well, Emery has qualified.
And adding to the businesses coming into a new plaza, a Wendy’s and a Sunset Grill joined them.
Welcome to 2277-2295 Finch Avenue West, located at Finch Avenue and Rivalda Road. There sits the site for Emery’s newest mini-mall.
Starbucks and Wendy’s are now open for takeout and drive-thru service. Sunset Grill is still under construction, but it appears to be nearing completion.
On another exciting front, the plaza will be the future home of a new format Hasty Market. It has long been the dream of many to purchase groceries in the area, a category very underserved in Emery. Toss in an Osmow's, serving modern Mediterranean cuisine, coming soon, and it looks like a plaza with all the treats.
Make sure you drop by the new Emery Village plaza and check it out.