Emery Village BIA Business Awards recipients

Long Serving Business in the Community

Arrow Furniture

In recognition of a company’s longevity in the Emery BIA. These businesses, forged success in the face of business cycles, economic downturns and other formidable challenges faced by all companies over the years, and are beacons to emerging entrepreneurs in creating sustained wealth and pursuing their goals and attaining success in their respective fields.


Marketing Award

Kooy Brothers

The landscape of marketing is ever-changing, and this award recognizes the winner’s successful efforts in identifying client needs and translating them into valuable products and services. The winner demonstrated a strong commitment to getting to know their market through unique customer-driven initiatives and events.



Robert Chabot Award

Warren’s Waterless Printing

The late Robert Chabot is a founding member of the BIA and the owner of Centennial Sweeping Ltd. His work galvanized support from adjacent businesses along Toryork Drive to protect the area from pollutants entering into the buried Emery Creek and led to the formation of Emery Village BIA. Today, the spirit of his contribution to his community is honoured by recognizing the special effort by a business or business person who has a proven record of commitment and innovation.


Environmental Stewardship

Seaboard Transport Group

This award recognizes a business whose outstanding efforts in promoting the responsible use and protection of the environment through conservation and sustainable practices. The individual, group or business has integrated and applied environmental values in their organization’s mission, operations, supply-chain and products.