Dear Resident,
I want to thank the staff and panelists who attended our recent Virtual Principal’s Forum. My office coordinates these events to inform our schools about local projects and services and how they impact and benefit our community. My office welcomed speakers from the City’s Vision Zero Strategy, the Finch West LRT, and the Toronto Public Library to give presentations. Many principals and vice-principals from schools around Emery Village attended. These forums allow for question and answer periods, connecting on how we can make progress together. If you want to learn more about this event and what’s next, please contact me.
Over 60 per cent of eligible residents in Toronto have received their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. This advancement helped us take more steps along the path of reopening. Vaccination options continue to be available throughout Toronto. All five City-run clinics continue to operate Monday to Friday, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for walk-ins and booked appointments. You can book using the provincial system at or by calling 1-833-943-3900. I will continue to share posts online with the latest pop-up clinics. Most nearby events are hosted by Humber River Hospital or Black Creek Community Health Centre, and I want to commend the staff on their ongoing dedication and leadership to vaccination efforts here in Humber River-Black Creek.
As Toronto’s economy gradually relaunches, the City of Toronto regularly updates a webpage with resources and guidelines for business owners; you can access this list at and type in “business resources” in the search window. Please visit the City of Toronto’s website for news about March Break activities and ongoing details about recreational programs and services. I hope you have a healthy and wonderful time connecting safely with your families.
If you have questions about new developments, community initiatives, or need access to other City resources, please contact me at:
Or: councillor_
Visit the City of Toronto
’s website for the most
up-to-date instructions
related to COVID-19
and booking permits this spring and summer.
For regular updates, please follow me on Facebook @AnthonyPerruzza, Twitter @PerruzzaTO, Instagram @Perruzza_TO, or subscribe to my regular e-newsletter updates online by visiting my website
Yours Truly,
Anthony Perruzza
City Councillor - Ward 7
Humber River-Black Creek