Councillor’s Corner
Dear Resident,
As we start 2022, I want to share how important it is to book your booster shot as soon as possible. Public health teams aim to build and maintain community immunity to the virus as it evolves. For the most up-to-date information on how and where to book and when, please visit:
Or call, 1-833-943-3900.
For news about winter activities like skating through the City of Toronto, including the spots available and safety rules, please visit the City of Toronto’s website.
For updates about the City of Toronto’s services during the winter and safety tips, including snow removal on streets and salting, please visit the City of Toronto’s website. If you have any concerns or need access to resources, please contact 311 Toronto or my office for follow-up. We are here to help you. Seniors looking for further assistance can also reach out to us.
If you have questions about local developments, community projects or need access to other City related information, please contact me at:
Visit the City of Toronto’s website to confirm the most up-to-date instructions related to COVID-19 protocol and booking reservations at:
For regular updates, please follow me on Facebook @AnthonyPerruzza, Twitter @PerruzzaTO, Instagram @Perruzza_TO, or subscribe to my regular e-newsletter updates online by visiting my website:
Please be mindful of the weather and stay safe.
City Councillor
Anthony Perruzza
Ward 7 – Humber River - Black Creek