Over the past year or so I have used this space to communicate my thoughts to you. I can’t always see you all face-to-face, so in this column you’ve read my stance on property taxes (keep them low!), transit on Finch Avenue West (we need a subway!) and shared my excitement over securing a new community centre.
The thing is, I get a lot of questions about rumors and other things that seem to get whispered around Ward 7. So, going forward I’d like to be able to answer these questions for you here, in the open. The first question I want to tackle is the one I hear the most: when are you going to get us a new grocery store in Ward 7?!
The answer is fairly straightforward - what I can do is what I have always done – work with developers to build new residential areas, which will draw the attention of grocery store chains.
As I have said to many of you personally, I had space zoned just south of Rivalda on Sheppard for commercial use - meaning a grocery store.
As well, there will be many shops at Weston and Finch when the piazza is built. And while I anticipate that in a short period of time you will see a grocery store built, it is important to support your local businesses now so that they can stay open!
Ward 7 Councillor
Giorgio Mammoliti