With heavy rainfall happening far more frequently, a noticeable weight has been placed on our older water systems. This is why the city launched The Basement Flooding Protection Program.
The program focuses on upgrading our sewer and overland water drainage systems in order to ensure that we are prepared to handle intense storms. Replacing specific sections with larger pipes, drains and basins will help to further prevent basement flooding and other issues caused by excess runoff.
The city conducts Environmental Assessments (EA) in order to determine which improvements need to be made and where. These priorities determine the projects that are presented to City Council for their review and approval.
My office recently hosted a meeting about The Basement Flooding Protection Program at Domenico Di Luca Community Recreation Centre. We host these meetings every year in partnership with Toronto Water to give you an opportunity to come, learn and ask questions about the program. Construction ambassadors also attend in order to introduce themselves and their role in the project.
The Basement Flooding Protection Program is set to span over several years with projects unfolding throughout Toronto – at different times. You can access information about local projects online or by contacting my office for further information. My staff and I are here to help you.
Basement Flooding Protection Program: https://toronto.ca/services-payments/water-environment/managing-rain-melted-snow/basement-flooding/basement-flooding-protection-program/
Ward 7 Councillor
Anthony Perruzza
Toronto City Hall100 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor - Suite C41, Toronto, ON, M5H 2N2
Fax: (416) 696-4144
Main: (416) 338-5335
Constituency Office3470 Keele Street (Keele at Grandravine), Ground Level - Suite 3, Toronto, ON, M3J 3M1
(416) 338-0696