A single idea can have a big impact.
Jawad Shuaib, formally a software engineer, took over Budget Electronics from his father just over a year ago. Jawad, who used to run the shop out of his basement, expanded into a larger space at 2965 Islington Avenue just a few months ago. After meeting with Jawad and seeing his store, I understand why he needed the extra space. Your eyes have never seen so many gadgets and gismos to make your cell phone, iPods, computers and overall digital life made simple.
Budget Electronics is not your typical cell phone accessory store. Their prices are unbeatable, their products are top of the line and their customer service is some of the best I have seen. Every employee is knowledgeable, informed and consistent. This lends to making each experience just as good as the last. When I asked Jawad why he trains his staff to be so fluid and uniform, he explained how important it is for a business to follow streamlined processes; it’s why his customers continue to come back. “Whatever you do, you have to be good at it, and we are good at selling products,” said Jawad about what makes his company excel.
After hearing this it was no surprise when Jawad told me how large his roster of clients was all over the province. However, Jawad’s keen sense of business did not stop with a retail and online store. He and his partner, Umer Shakeel, started Gadgets2go. Retail stores can carry Budget Electronics products for free on a consignment basis. Gadgets2Go sets up a small display unit in your store and is re-stocked on a need by need basis. The method is simple: you sell their product and receive a percentage of the profits. When you need more products, you call and within 24 hours you have a stocked case once again.
Currently, Gadgets2Go are in over 300 stores across the province and are expanding across Canada in the coming months. This idea is not only profitable for both parties, but so simple that there is no reason not to engage in this opportunity. I can assure you that if I had a retail store, I would be calling (647) 270-2334 right now.
Budget Electronics is open six days a week from 10:30a.m. – 6:30p.m. Next time your dog eats your cell phone charger, blue tooth head set, head phones or just want something cool to clip onto your cell phone, take a drive to Budget Electronics, I guarantee they will save you money and you might just find that perfect phone case you have been looking for!