By Varad Mehta
Times are tough, and we must improvise to remain content, said a local school volunteer.
Many parents with school-age children face new challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing proper care while also working and helping their children comfortably adapt to the new school year.
Sharon Grant (also known as, Aunty Sharon), a member of the TDSB’s Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) and a local school volunteer, said she remains positive while striking a balance between her full-time job and taking care of her children. She said being mentally strong helps to keep her children feeling positive. Having an honest conversation with her children about the COVID-19 pandemic has not only kept her children informed but also thoughtful about following the correct protocols inside and outside of school.
“It is challenging for me, but at the end of the day, this is the reality at this moment, so I have to try and adjust to remain sane,” said Grant.
She understands that extracurricular activity and socializing with friends will be a little difficult for students, but believes students will adapt nicely and be able to focus on their studies.
There has been an increase in students opting for virtual learning. Christopher Mammoliti, Ward 4 TDSB trustee, said the concerns parents and students might have about the school year are expected. That there might be bumps in the road but the board will respond appropriately to those concerns.
He said the school board is working with Toronto Public Health to ensure that not only students have a good school year but also remain healthy and safe. Mammoliti closed with an expression of the importance of unity.
“The sooner we unite as a community to combat the issues we’re facing, the more effective the results will be,” said Mammoliti.