I continue to pray that you are keeping safe and well during these unprecedented times. The provincial government has recently announced that schools will remain closed for the remainder of the year to ensure the safety and well being of all students, staff and stakeholders. Please be assured that even though our schools remain closed the Toronto Catholic District School Board is committed to making sure that remote emergency distance learning continues until the end of June. We will continue to keep you informed about any further decisions and plans by the government. I encourage you to stay connected with your children’s teachers, principal, superintendent or myself. Our board has many resources available to families from our social work and mental health teams to our charitable foundation, The Angel Foundation, for learning.
To date, the TCDSB has provided over 10,000 Chromebooks and internet-enabled Ipads to our families in need and we are currently on Phase eight of our Food For Kids program which provides gift cards to families facing food insecurity.
The TCDSB continues to update our dedicated COVID-19 web-page with frequently asked questions, resources and information to support learning at home: www.tcdsb.org/covid19.
Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Trustee Mammoliti and I continue to hold Reach Out and Connect sessions to keep you updated and informed and answer any questions or concerns. We welcomed both Directors of Education to our last session and would like to thank Director Rory McGuckin and Director John Malloy for joining the Humber River Black Creek virtual meeting.
Please stay tuned for dates and times for June as we continue to hold virtual meetings to communicate our boards plans moving forward and to hold us accountable to you, our stakeholders.
Should you need to connect with me, please feel free to either email me at: ida.lipreti@tcdsb.org Or call me at: 416 827 3643
We are all in this together and as the summer weather approaches we continue to urge everyone to follow public health advice with physical distancing protocols. We continue to pray for good health, strength and patience as we keep those that we have lost to this deadly virus in our hearts and prayers.
TCDSB trustee
Ida Li Preti