By Sean Delaney
At 40 Norfinch Drive on Saturday May 30th 31 Division Police held their 17th annual 31 Division Police Open House. This informative, yet welcoming event targets the youth in the community to educate and express a sense of approachability, and most importantly generate trust.
The day started out with perfect weather but as the afternoon rolled on a spectacular rain storm temporarily dampened the exhibits – but luckily not the spirit.
Many aspects of the Law Enforcement team were showcased, including Court Services, the Police Dog Service and the Paramedics. The Police force were willing and prepared to talk to everyone in attendance, in an effort to inform residents about the services that they offer to the community.
The doors that are usually locked at the back of a Court Service vehicle or an Ambulance were open for the youth to catch a glimpse of. In addition to the service vehicles, residents were also able to see the evolution of the traditional police car over the years.
Many local politicians attended and a special guest appearance was made by the by new Metro Toronto Police Chief, Mark Saunders .
Children also had a photo opportunity with Elmer the Safety Elephant emphasizing again the message of being safe within the community.
On top of all the activities and information offered, all residents in attendance also received a free hot dog and glass of juice.
Our hats go off to Gino Novia (pictured right) and his friends from the Shriners who estimated that they cooked more than 750 hotdogs during the fun filled day.